This library is intended to enable battered employees, or their managers who suspect violence, to visit during their breaks or lunch, away from the anxiety, stress and emotions of the home. At our site, at-risk members can learn about the role of the law in their problems, and find a number of community resources which can assist them in handling, or at least managing, their situation.
This library of information about Domestic Violence is included in your Legal Plan because the workplace affords some freedom to employees who may be being abused at home. They often feel more free to conduct research and learn about what help they can receive for their situation. Also, at work, given the resources, employees may be better able to discuss their problems with professionals in a confidential manner, and to obtain information on available resources.
Domestic Violence is a serious problem, one which is more widespread than most people realize. Please share the information you find here with anyone who you suspect to be in this type of situation.